Remove all Docker images and containers

Quick note: the original post dates from 10-04-2016 but got updated at 02-05-2020 and it was essentially written from scratch again.


This post just as a reminder how to delete all containers and images. While experimenting with Docker I continuously needs these commands and instead of always Googling them I might be better of just writing a small post. Exactly the reason why I once decided to blog.

Remove all containers

The following command will remove all the containers:

root@ubuntu-demo:/home/cloud-user# docker rm `docker ps -qa`

Remove all images

The following command will remove all the images from your machine:

root@ubuntu-demo:/home/cloud-user# docker rmi $(docker images -q)

Remove all ghost images from Docker-Machine

Sometimes the creation of a host fails and it leaves a ghost entry when doing “docker-machine ls”. Below command will completely remove all hosts so be careful when using it.

root@ubuntu-demo:/home/cloud-user# docker-machine rm -f $(docker-machine ls -q);

Very small post but over the years it’s probably the one I referred back to most of the time.