Hashicorp Vault - Getting Started

What is Hashicorp Vault Taken from the Vault website: Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets. A secret is anything that you want to tightly control access to, such as API keys, passwords, or certificates.

Model-Driven Telemetry on IOS-XE

What is Model-Driven Telemetry Model-driven telemetry is a new approach for network monitoring in which data is streamed from network devices continuously using a push model and provides near real-time access to operational statistics.

Cisco SD-WAN - Python Requests

Introduction In this post, we walked through a number of SD-WAN API’s using POSTMAN. As a follow-up, we will explore in today’s post some Python scripts that implement these APIs.

Cisco SD-WAN - Getting Started

Introduction SD-WAN is a software-defined approach to managing the WAN. In the past, MPLS networks were used to ensure reliable connectivity between users connecting at the branch to applications running on servers in the datacenter.

Ansible and IOSXE - IOS modules

Introduction In this blog post, we will use Ansible to interact with our IOS XE devices. Ansible has a very extensive set of Network Modules for various devices and vendors.

Cisco DNA Center - Flow-Analysis (Python)

DNAC Series This is part of a DNAC series: Part 1: Getting started Part 2: Cisco DNA Center - Devices Part 3: Cisco DNA Center - Assurance Part 4: Cisco DNA Center - Sites Part 5: Cisco DNA Center - Discovery (POSTMAN) Part 6: Cisco DNA Center - Discovery (Python) Part 7: Cisco DNA Center - CommandRunner (Python) Part 8: Cisco DNA Center - Flow-Analysis (POSTMAN) Part 9 (this post): Cisco DNA Center - Flow-Analysis (Python) Disclaimer: the code in this post is not production-grade code obviously.