
Pulumi - Create AWS EC2 instance (new VPC)

Introduction In this post, we used Pulumi to create an EC2 instance in the default VPC. Then, in this post, we created a small variation in which we launched an EC2 instance in a pre-existing VPC and subnet.

Pulumi - Create AWS EC2 instance (existing VPC)

Introduction In this post, we used Pulumi to create an EC2 instance in the default VPC. What follows is going to be a small variation on that post since we will create an EC2 instance but we will place it in an existing VPC that was created before already.

Deploy Flask App to EBS using CLI

Introduction In this post, I created a very basic Flask application. The idea behind this post is to deploy the application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using the Beanstalk CLI.

AWS - Install Kubernetes using Ansible

Quick note: the original post dates from 25-11-2019 but got updated at 01-04-2020 with latest Kubernetes version. Introduction This blog post is a follow up of a post we wrote couple of days ago where we created 3 EC2 instances on AWS.