Cisco DNA Center - Discovery (Python)
DNAC Series
This is part of a DNAC series:
- Part 1: Getting started
- Part 2: Cisco DNA Center - Devices
- Part 3: Cisco DNA Center - Assurance
- Part 4: Cisco DNA Center - Sites
- Part 5 (this post): Cisco DNA Center - Discovery (POSTMAN)
- Part 6: Cisco DNA Center - Discovery (Python)
- Part 7: Cisco DNA Center - CommandRunner (Python)
- Part 8: Cisco DNA Center - Flow-Analysis (POSTMAN)
- Part 9: Cisco DNA Center - Flow-Analysis (Python)
Disclaimer: the code in this post is not production-grade code obviously. The examples in the post are merely conceptual and for informational purposes.
In this we have been showing some POSTMAN samples for running a Network Discovery and Command Runner. In the next sections, we will explore how we can achieve exactly the same using Python Requests. I recommend you to first go through the POSTMAN post before attempting this one.
Note about equipment
In this post, I’m using my own DNAC in my lab. However, if you want to follow along, you could also use a Cisco sandbox environment delivered by Cisco Devnet. To get a list of all sandboxes, check out this link. For this tutorial, you could use this one. Note that this is a reservable instance as the always-on is restricted in functionality.
Network Discovery
DNAC allows you to discover devices in your network by scanning the network based on a given IP range or through CDP. Let’s see how the IP range based discovery works.
Get Credentials
The following Python snippet will call the /dna/intent/api/v1/global-credential
API endpoint. You will see that we add a query parameter called credentialSubType: CLI
. Once we issue the request, we will parse the response and add the credentials (id) to a Python list.
import requests
from authenticate import get_token
import json, time
from jinja2 import Environment
from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader
dnac = ""
token = get_token(dnac)
url = f"https://{dnac}"
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"X-auth-Token": token
def main():
cred_url = "/api/v1/global-credential"
credtype = "CLI"
params = {
"credentialSubType": {credtype}
discoveryname = "newDiscovery_v1" #needs to be updated every run
# Part 1: Get Credentials to run the discovery
cred_list = []
response = requests.get(url + cred_url, params=params, headers=headers, verify=False ).json()
Note: the discovery name needs to be different every run. I did not implement code to check if the name was already used.
Start IP based discovery
Next, we will create the following Jinja2 template. This contains the sample JSON body for our API request.
"name": "{{ name }}",
"discoveryType": "Range",
"ipAddressList": "",
"timeOut": 1,
"protocolOrder": "ssh,telnet",
"preferredMgmtIPMethod": "None"
In the following Python snippet, we will get the Jinja2 template and pass in the discoveryName
variable dynamically. Note that the Jinja2 template does not contain a globalCredentialIdList
while the documentation requires this. Given that this list of credentials can change I decided not to hardcode them into the Jinja2 file but rather set them in Python by adding the key globalCredentialIdList
and have it point to the list of credentials we populated in the previous section.
# Part 2: read in the discovery template
jinja_templates = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates'), trim_blocks=True)
template = jinja_templates.get_template("discovery.j2.json")
payload = template.render(name=discoveryname)
discovery = json.loads(payload)
discovery["globalCredentialIdList"] = cred_list
To actually start the discovery, we will call the dna/intent/v1/discovery
API. A quick note, in the lab DNAC I’m using I need to use api/v1/discovery
instead of dna/intent/v1/discovery
. Not really sure why, I think it’s a bug. In your code, you should be able to use dna/intent/v1/discovery
# Part 3: Run the discovery
discover_url = f"https://{dnac}/api/v1/discovery"
# discovery_url = f""https://{dnac}/dna/intent/v1/discovery"
response_discovery =, data=json.dumps(discovery), headers=headers, verify=False ).json()
task_url = response_discovery['response']['url']
Check Task
As we know from previous blog, the discovery endpoint will return a task id which we will have to pull frequently until we get back the response.
task = waitTask(url, task_url )
Therefore, I implemented a waitTask
function that essentually checks every second the tasks
API and checks the response. If there is an endTime in the response then we can finish the polling.
def waitTask(url, task_url):
for i in range(10):
response_task = requests.get(url + task_url, headers=headers, verify=False ).json()
if response_task['response']['isError']:
if "endTime" in response_task['response']:
return response_task
You will see we get back a number in the progress attribute. This essentially is the ID of the discovery job itself. We store this in a variable called discoverId
discoverId = task['response']['progress']
Get Discovery status
Next, using the discoverId, we can query the /dna/intent/api/v1/discovery/{id}
API endpoint. Again, in the lab DNAC I’m using I need to use api/v1/discovery
instead of dna/intent/v1/discovery
. Not really sure why, I think it’s a bug. In your code, you should be able to use dna/intent/v1/discovery
In any case, in below snippet we will check the discoveryCondition
parameter and once it’s Complete
, we will print out the number of devices.
# Part 5: Get Discovery Status
discover_url = f"https://{dnac}/api/v1/discovery/{discoverId}"
# discover_url = f"https://{dnac}/dna/intent/api/v1/discovery/{id}
while True:
response = requests.get(discover_url, headers=headers, verify=False ).json()
if response['response']['discoveryCondition'] == "Complete":
print(f"Discovery with id {discoverId} completed successfully")
print(f"Discovery found {response['response']['numDevices']} devices")
Get Discovered devices
The point of this exercise is of course to retrieve the list of discovered devices so we will issue a request to api/v1/discovery/{discoverId}/network-device
. We will loop over the devices in the response and print out the hostname and the management IP address.
# Part 6: Get Discovered Devices
devices_url = f"https://{dnac}/api/v1/discovery/{discoverId}/network-device"
# devices_url = f"https://{dnac}/dna/intent/api/v1/discovery/{discoverId}/network-device
response_devices = requests.get(devices_url, headers=headers, verify=False ).json()
for device in response_devices['response']:
print(f"Device name: {device['hostname']} with IP address {device['managementIpAddress']}")
Run the script and you will see indeed the 4 devices with their associated IP addresses.
wauterw@WAUTERW-M-65P7 NetworkDiscovery % python3
Discovery with id 1081 completed successfully
Discovery found 4 devices
Device name: csrv-GB.sda.lab with IP address
Device name: 3850-1B1.sda.lab with IP address
Device name: 3850-1B2.sda.lab with IP address
Device name: c2901-peg3-2.sda.lab with IP address
I shared the code in bits and pieces, if you want to see the final Python script, check out the Github repo here.